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Are you ready for your Legal or Financial MS

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our test preparation you will be. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, iManage/DM5, Compare Software (DeltaView), Adobe Acrobat Pro Are You Taking MS Office tests with an agency or firm?  Test strategy for any legal wp, secretarial or MS Office test  Legal or financial WP, secretarial & office admin  Automated or advanced hands on formatting tests. Outlining, styling & tables.  Get practice tests w/feedback or take online testing  Vastly increase your chance for success  Take your test with confidence  Get the inside scoop - know what to expect.  In person or online via remote  Take courses days, nights or weekends  Be prepared! $150.00 in person or remote (4 hour course). Includes two agency like tests for homework. $29.95 - 2 agency like tests to be done at your convenience and sent to us for grading and comment. * Students who take the test preparation course should be already comfortable with Outlining, TOC, TOA, Index of Terms. Otherwise you are welcome to take our courses that teach those subjects from scratch. Make an appointment call 888-422-0692! AdvanceTo www.advanceto.com Take the next step...

Green Bay, Wisconsin

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